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Meet Addie

Case Study - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Addie has her teachers pulling their hair out.  She looks like a cute and innocent 8 year old,  but she suffers from Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ODD.  She refuses to do her work and throws a fit if you ask her about it.  She constantly needs to be in control of every situation, even if it is something as simple as getting a drink from the water fountain.  She loves to test the limits and her teachers feel like they have lost all control.


Low and High Tech Solutions

What They Decided

Addies teachers found that online learning was a successful approach for her; the lessons 

provided immediate feedback and were highly engaging.  They set up an iRewardChart for her on an ipad and Addie was able to start earning "cash" when she recieved the desired amount of stars.  Addie helped choose the rewards: extra time with the PE teacher during lunch, five minutes of free computer time at the end of the day, and bring her favorite small stuffed animal to school the next day.  When Addie would loose control, the teacher would remove her from the group and have her work on the Calm Counter app where she was able to work through her emotions and eventually calm down through a series of visual cues.  

What They Decided
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